Hedging - One Of The More Popular Option Trading Strategies

option trading strategiesOne of the reasons that trading binary options has become so popular these days is that, if you follow the right kind of strategy you can severely limit your losses to a predetermined amount.  Another way to look at that, is that if half of your trades are winners and the other half are losers, but when you win you win big, and when you lose you lose small, you'll end up earning a nice income. Let's take a look at one of the best option trading strategies to help get you started.

Hedging Is One Of The Better Option Trading Strategies.

You most likely have heard of the phrase "hedging your bets"  when it comes to all kinds of gambling, trading, and even negotiating in business. What that usually means is that whether or not you win or lose on a particular deal, you also have a way to make some money no matter what. Hedging is one way that you can reduce your losses in option trading, while maximizing your gains in order to end up on the plus side in earnings every single day. By using calls and put  options you limit your losses on any poor performing trade. Then, when your trades on the rise, and heading higher, you ride it as far as you can to maximize your profits.

When Trading Binary Options Most Of The Trades Are Very Short-Term.

One major difference between binary options and stocks, is that most of the trades in options are very short-lived, sometimes only an hour or two, and at the most one full day. By selling off half of your shares when the profit is at its highest within an hour, then keeping the rest of the shares until the highest amount of profit is made in the next hour before you sell, you've then hedged your trade, because you have made some profit in the first hour and some in the second. However, you have avoided losing money on the trade if it goes sour in the second hour.

option trading strategies

There are many different option trading strategies that can be utilized in order to make small gains several times a day, and avoid large losses altogether. There are quite a few books you can read help get you started, and in addition to that, there are a number of different software programs that can help you pick which options to trade, and how to trade, all available online.